Meyerson & Miller Attorneys at Law
Meyerson & Miller has currently been retained in a variety of criminal cases that have been indicted in federal and state courts.

Drop Side Cribs Linked to Serious Injuries and Death        Read more

Meyerson & Miller received favorable outcomes for clients by way of settlement of six cases, each in excess of a six-figure amount:
  • A civil rights lawsuit in federal court in Colorado on behalf of a client who developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome as a result of the defendants’ deliberate indifference to his medical needs while incarcerated.
  • A legal malpractice action on behalf of a woman who suffered serious and significant medical complications from a gallbladder surgery and whose attorney failed to file a certificate of merit in her medical malpractice case, thereby preventing her medical malpractice claim from proceeding.
  • A lawsuit involving an error in a client’s insurance coverage relating to compensation from a fire at the client’s property.
  • A legal malpractice action in West Virginia on behalf of a client whose lawyer in a wrongful death and medical malpractice action involving a doctor’s failure to diagnose an aneurism missed a statute of limitations and then lied to the client about it, thereby preventing the wrongful death action from proceeding.
  • A civil rights action in the Middle District of Pennsylvania on behalf of a client who was falsely accused of and prosecuted for arson.
  • Three legal malpractice actions against the same attorney who negligently represented clients in serious medical malpractice cases – one involving a gastrointestinal injury during a fertility treatment, another involving negligent performance of ankle replacement surgery resulting in ankle amputation, and negligent performance of claw toe revision surgery – and who, due to his egregious acts of professional negligence prohibited his clients from recovering on their cases.

The firm represented an income tax preparer who was charged by the IRS and the US Attorney’s office with defrauding the IRS and the United States out of millions of dollars of tax revenues.

Hydroxycut Recall: Products linked to Liver Damage and Death        Read more

Special Financial Victims Task Force -- Meyerson & Miller teamed up with Durant & Durant LLP to form an experienced securities fraud task force to represent victims of financial and investor fraud.        Read more

Stanford Securities Multi-billion Dollar Fraud Scam        Read more

Citigroup Hedge Funds Investor Losses        Read more

Madoff Ponzi Scheme        Read more

Jack Meyerson assumed the Presidency of the Philadelphia Chapter of the International Network of Boutique Law Firms (INBLF). The INBLF, headquartered in New York, is a group of national and international law firms comprised of highly credentialed and experienced attorneys in specific areas of the law.

Meyerson & Miller secured a $750,000 settlement for a working woman who sustained a permanent intestinal/digestive injury from a medical error during gall bladder surgery.
General Litigation Attorneys | Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Westmont New Jersey
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