Meyerson & Miller Attorneys at Law

Darvon Recall

The FDA recently announced that it is pulling the common prescription pain medicines Darvon and Darvocet off the U.S. market because the drugs can cause severe or fatal heart problems, such as arrhythmia, even at recommended doses. The manufacturer of Darvon, Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals, has agreed to recall the product and the FDA is urging generic manufacturers to do the same. Darvon and other drugs containing Propoxyphene were previously banned in Europe.

The FDA recall follows the results of a study which showed that Darvon altered the heart’s natural electrical activity and caused potentially fatal arrhythmias. Underscoring the dangerousness of the drug is the fact that severe cardiac problems and fatal overdose were found in patients who were not exceeding the recommended dosage. Doctors and the FDA have long-speculated about the risks posed by Darvon, but until recently the FDA did not have data sufficient to justify banning the product.

Darvon is a commonly prescribed drug that is given to roughly 10 Million Americans annually, and a patient’s level of risk can change at any time. If you or a family member has been injured by Darvon or generic Propoxyphene, please contact one of our experienced Darvon Recall Attorneys for a free and confidential consultation.
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