Meyerson & Miller Attorneys at Law

Propecia Linked to Long Term Sexual Side Effects

A recent study has confirmed that the severe sexual side effects associated with the hair loss drug Propecia (finasteride), such as impotence, diminished libido, and reduced semen volume, may remain for a significant period of time even after the patient is no longer using the drug. Patients who have been injured by Propecia may be entitled to an award of legal damages from Merck, the manufacturer of the drug.

Research suggests that between 5 and 23 percent of the men who take Propecia will experience sexual dysfunction, but until recently it was believed that these side effects would cease when the patient stopped using the drug. However, a recent report published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that, on average, sexual side effects lingered for 40 months after the patient was taken off Propecia. Other data points to side effects lasting as long as 5 years. Among men who have been affected by Propecia, it is commonly reported that the loss of sexual desire and potency generally leads to deep depression that can lead the patient to commit suicide.

If you or someone you know has suffered sexual side effects while taking Propecia, please please contact one of our experienced Propecia litigation attorneys for a free and confidential consultation
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