Meyerson & Miller Attorneys at Law

Serious Injuries and Accidents

Accident Victim on Crutches
For years, our firm has been aggressively fighting for people and families who sustained a life-altering serious injury—or ‘catastrophic’ injury—as a result of an accident. We recognize that after a catastrophic life-altering injury, a lawsuit is often the only opportunity for an injured party to obtain compensation and financial security. Following such a devastating personal injury or accident, we insist upon full compensation for all work loss and lost earnings, pain and suffering and related emotional distress. Our guiding principle and objective as your litigation attorney is to secure lifetime financial security for the injured party and family.

In the more than 25 years that we have been engaged in civil practice, we have achieved dozens of financially successful results, many in excess of $1 million, for injured parties in the following types of cases:
  • automobile accidents
  • industrial site accidents
  • injuries at home whether from a dangerous defect in the property or an unsafe consumer product
  • electrocution
  • acid spills
  • faulty prescription drugs and nutritional supplements
  • production line injuries and fall cases
  • accidents caused by intoxicated individuals who have been served too much liquor at a bar, tavern or restaurant
Most recently, our firm represented a young woman who was involved in an automobile accident caused by a drunk driver. He was speeding with a blood alcohol content of more than twice the legal limit. As a result of the collision, our client was thrown from the car and suffered severe facial disfigurement and scarring. The driver of the car in which she was a passenger, her fiancé, died as a result after lingering in a coma for approximately one month.

When the drunk driver’s insurance coverage was insufficient, our firm opened an injury lawsuit and favorably resolved the case against both the driver and also the bar / restaurant that served the alcohol. The young woman received lifetime financial security including the costs of education for her young children.

If you would like us to evaluate your injury case, please contact us via our form or call 888-773-3515 and ask to speak with an attorney about catastrophic injury litigation.
Serious Injury Attorneys, Injury Lawsuits | Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Westmont New Jersey
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